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audio book, $ optional, novel 1: seasons of paris (girl; version e-reader voice)

audio book of, novel 1: seasons of paris. narrated by Ai girl's; voice.

- girl; voice audio version fv-1novel... mp3. (file: appx 540mb & appx 10 hrs) ms. e-reads novel 1 (seasons: appx 81k words)


The Seasons

of Paris
Novel Meaning
of Life




should have killed me

© young bin chung
5 additions, 2nd ed. 3/17/24
@ybc249033 x
California Bar Number #249033
University of California Berkeley, Bachelor of Arts
Indiana University Bloomington, Juris Doctor

This Be; One or D'one, Thenovel- Meaning of Life: And That Everything,



Collaboration, One Hoe
none of the hoey hoes


Mexycis sux dix sic [k'x, y]


Cuentas dos

Bible, stories Ch. 1st: five books, this so order I will

Genesis first, begins the creation story. what the heck science, I can’t find where one disagreement. end of history, already then Adam’s told (i's(ea. to dos; be eats me, too whatEve-r; y (Apple is) are knowledge? Eat is y She tricked, because dominion over all the other living things, y i's with god’s image; how tricked? you go-that Only R; she-it, comme ta maison; thee, say tell. me, thou thy does

It-app-hears that, & this; mine. is, this be the read; the people, i thinks of; the words y my-this were his-is, so alone i: (God's). &, Abraham somewhere later; appears) the'here-in voices) there ado, i'swhere i do; was with, those angels. More; ha, mad-i’s cues so sacks wars, even; Seth later. And-then There too[YBC1]  all Eve's (were-all-sons). then Cain this be survive-Abel. who must haves-kills. the-End there two, very wicked cities, that-this my translated job, of the lot : where that locates Tomesomexycos. So'dom As’tech; Gomorrah, Ma'ya. Why then, flood is then ; another consequence. Noah , and builds that the ark; mexycas-as story from where His, who knowas, luz(ers) builds the  light counter-narrative: Gilga(mex) whithes, whales bitches

 [YBC1, continues on novel3 bonos, ch. bible stories 3] Seth too, Eve's, Seth Abel is dead, Cain, nobody is Abel's. oh no, who did the eggos? Cain or Seth? Cain when he left for yucaland? or Adam? or Seth? where they? Near not cold enough, Cain drags Eve to ice cold land. who else for eggos? and some (all) of his bitches, escapes 11 years later plus 1 year travel time, must find penis seth. hello Mary123456789, Seth.
The first humans, that is all, Africa. Cain is Abel, can we do this with because they no bitches here, Seth. why need ice? just fick do? in what? buffalo? hippopatumus? giraffe? end.
end, what iFs egg'work req. try etx, take buffalo and Eve (is only bitch).

uhm, seth not know this bjtch cain or caint - i swear to godo. taboo bya, o no; or what the fick is theder?


link to a web browable version of novel 1, via microsoft 365 app. posted to x @ybc249033. entire text of, novel 1 seasons of paris, version 062423 older, audio tracks a later version of novel 1 text, i think there not many changes from, a few edits, mostly spelling and punctuation marks, paragraph spacing, line breaks, then plus or minus a few words, maybe 100, a wild guess.


pay what you want. could be $0, or pay what you want- like $10. ten or such.

all e-versions, by novel